Complete BASICS of TinkerCAD

Tinkercad is an incredibly amazing simple to-utilize apparatus for making computerized designs that are prepared to be 3D printed into super-cool actual items. You will be directed through the 3D design process by means of simple involved "Examples", that show you the complete basicsof Tinkercad prior to continuing on to more mind boggling 3D designing methods.
Tinkercad is very easy to use. Most of the 3d design software have steep learning curves.
It is compatible with 3d printing. It is a proper tool which gives you solid 3d files needed for 3d printing.
Tinkercad is fun to use. There are tones of 3d models created by the community. You could share your designs or even collaborate on designs.
Must have tool for STEAM teachers and students.
Tinkercad is a free-of-charge, online 3D modeling program that runs in a web browser. Since it became available in 2011 it has become a popular platform for creating models for 3D printing as well as an entry-level introduction to constructive solid geometry in schools.
3 days a week (MWF / TTS)
Per session: 1 Hour
Online: Zoom / GMeet
Duration: 12 sessions
CAD Software: TinkerCAD (free to use and browser based, so no download of software is needed)
50% Discount
INR 4,000/-
just INR 2,000/-* only
(Limited time offer*)
Complete BASICS of TinkerCAD software course costs INR 2,000/- plus
GST 18% : INR 360/- plus
Internet charges & PayU charges: INR 50/-.
So TOTAL PAYABLE AMOUNT INR 2410/- (Rupees Two thousand Four Hundred and Ten only)

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